- 205-387-1806
- wonderful@campmcdowell.org
McDowell Dining
Food for fellowship.
- McDowell has three dining halls that can be set up in a variety of ways to accommodate your group and preference. During the planning process, you will discuss your vision and options for meals with your Conference Coordinator to come up with a plan that works. Meals are served buffet-style, where guests progress through a line and are served by kitchen staff, or family-style, where platters of food are provided for each table and guests serve themselves.
Certain times of the year, guests enjoy farm-to-table meals with food grown on McDowell's farm. Typically, guests help with the clean up of meals by busing their own place settings according to the direction of the Conference Center Coordinator or group leader. We are careful to accumulate very little waste and encourage guests to follow our recycling guidelines.
Doug Carpenter Dining Hall
Otherwise known as "The Doug," Doug Carpenter Hall is located in the heart of Bethany Village and is our largest meeting space and dining hall. As with all our spaces, we can get creative with how tables are arranged. At maximum, the Doug can serve 500 guests at one time if round tables are used and 700 if rectangle tables are used.
Stough Dining Hall
Stough Dining Hall is attached to Stough Lodge and can be separated into two rooms. At maximum, 150 guests can be served in the backroom and 80 in the front simultaneously. A trail leads from Miller Commons to Stough Dining Hall.
Eppes Dining Hall
Our oldest dining hall, Eppes Hall is located in lower camp and typically only serves campers and guests staying in the lower camp area. It is not air-conditioned and can accommodate up to 200 people for dining. Eppes has a large front porch populated with rocking chairs and an even larger back porch that gives guests a nice view of the cross across the creek.
Grill Areas
Portable grills can be provided just about anywhere, but we do have more robust grilling areas throughout camp. If your group has an interest in grilling, please discuss this with your Conference Center Coordinator.
Meals On Your Own
Guests who choose to do meals on your own will be charged a fee of $1 per meal per person up to $100 per day. Due to our commitment in making our facilities environmentally responsible, no styrofoam or single-use plastic is allowed on site. (Fact: Styrofoam never degrades and it takes approximately 1,000 years for plastic to decompose in landfills.)